Traveling to Peru and experience ancient ruins, ancient traditions, and ancient jungle! Plan your Peru tour to trek the Inca Trail, wander the charming Cusco markets, and explore the steamy Amazon rainforest. If Machu Picchu tours sound too arduous on foot, no problem! Machu Picchu trip can also be done by train. These Peru tours present the dramatic visage of the Inca ruins and the friendly faces of the Inca descendants. You’ll be confronted with exotic flora and fauna in the verdant cloudforest, as well as the snowcapped mountains that tower like the ancients of old over the Sacred Valley.
库斯科(也写作 Cusco)曾是强大的印加帝国的首都,拥有难以言表的独特魅力。历史中心的精美教堂、奇妙博物馆和狭窄鹅卵石街道值得您花上至少几天时间去探索。再加上城内和周围山丘上令人惊叹的印加遗址,您就拥有了旅行魔法的秘诀,探索我们最好的库斯科旅游指南