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New Regulations for Machu Picchu in 2024

March 12, 2024
Machu new Regulations

Machu Picchu is the most visited site in Peru and a must see on any trip to South America. In the past many thousands of visitors flocked to the site everyday causing overcrowding and damage that is unrepairable. To that end the Government of Peru has enforced strict rules and regulations for the preservation of this wonderful and fascinating site.

Today there is a limit to how many people can pass through the gates of Machu Picchu, here we will explain the regulations.

Tickets for Machu Picchu

In total, 4500 visitors are allowed to purchase Machu Picchu tickets for 2024 every day. 

Machu Picchu New Circuits

New circuits have been established through the Regulation of Sustainable Use and Tourist Visits for the Conservation of Llaqta of Machu Picchu. According to the regulation, circuits must be followed and respected by every visitor to the Machu Picchu Sanctuary.

There are 3 Circuits to enter Machu Picchu they are as follows

The Machu Picchu Circuits as of 1st June 2024

Circuit 1 A, The 2 viewing points at the top of Machu Picchu and the hike to Machu Picchu Mountain.

Circuit 1 B, The 2 viewing points at the top of Machu Picchu.

Circuit 1 C, The 2 viewing points at the top of Machu Picchu and the hike to the Sun Gate

Circuit 1 D, The 2 viewing points at the top of Machu Picchu and the hike to the Inca Bridge

Circuit 2 A, The 1 viewing point at the top of Machu Picchu and the complete tour of Machu Picchu

Circuit 2 B, The complete tour of Machu Picchu, no viewing points.

Circuit 3 A, The hike to Huayna Picchu Mountain, no viewing points.

Circuit 3 B, The tour of the lower half of Machu Picchu, no viewing points

Circuit 3 C The hike to the Grand Cave, no viewing points

Circuit 3 D The hike to Huchuypicchu, no viewing points.

If you wish to do extra hikes ie, Machu Picchu Mountain, Huayna Picchu, Huchuypicchu, Sun Gate or the Grand Cave, you will need to buy an extra tickets to view Machu Picchu. Circuits that do not include a viewing point, you must purchase an extra ticket to see the viewing points.

How Long Can I Stay at Machu Picchu?

The new Machu Picchu rules determine that tourists are strictly limited to two-hour stays. Most visitors do not take more than four hours on average to explore the site. Officials exercise control over the amount of traffic at any given time to maintain control of the Inca sanctuary. It Is regulation that all tourists must be led by a tour guide in order to preserve the world heritage site. Tourist groups are made up of a maximum of 10 people per guide. Reentry to the site is prohibited. The guided tour duration was set in 2 hours in order to free room for more groups, avoid crowds and especially protect the Inca town of Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu Entry Conditions

To enter Machu Picchu, you must hold an entry ticket, an official ID, be accompanied by a Tour Guide. Machu Picchu staff may request your ticket and/or ID at any time during your time there.

 If you are a foreigner, a valid identity card is your passport, immigration card, or diplomatic identity card. If you are a foreign student, you must present a valid ISIC card.

Important Rules to Follow When Visiting Machu Picchu

1.-Stay on designated paths, refrain from touching the structures, avoid leaning against walls to prevent unnecessary damage.

2.-To manage the flow of visitors and minimize impact, Machu Picchu now offers three distinct circuits. Choose your route wisely and respect the pathways.

3.- Immerse yourself in the stunning natural surroundings, but remember to leave no trace. Carry out all waste, including wrappers and containers, and dispose of them responsibly. Help safeguard the delicate balance between history and nature.

We recommend opting for a reusable water bottle or canteen. This small change contributes to reducing plastic waste and supports sustainability efforts. Please note that carrying hiking poles is prohibited. However, if you have a specific need due to a leg issue, we advise you to contact the Ministry of Culture to request a special permission.

During the rainy season, skip the plastic poncho. An eco-friendlier choice is a raincoat it will keep you dry while exploring the wonders of Machu Picchu.

4.- Take as many photos of Machu Picchu as you like, but do so thoughtfully. Tripods and selfie sticks are prohibited as they can obstruct pathways. And while it’s great to take selfies, ensure your safety and do not compromise on rules or your fellow visitors’ experience.

5.- Machu Picchu is a place of reverence and contemplation. Keep conversations at a considerate volume and embrace the serenity of Machu Picchu.

6.- Respect the boundaries that separate visitors from certain areas. Avoid venturing into off-limit zones.

7.- Preservation begins with each visitor. Refrain from leaving any marks, such as graffiti or etchings, on the stones. Let your memory of Machu Picchu remain intact without altering its physicality.

Some Prohibited Behavior at Machu Picchu

Prohibited Objects at Machu Picchu

Inca Trail + Machu Picchu New Rules 2024 

Rules for entering Huayna Picchu

Rules for trekking to Machu Picchu Mountain

All these rules and regulations are put in place to make your Machu Picchu experience memorable. Book with a licensed local travel agent to ensure a smooth trip to the ancient Inca City of Machu Picchu.

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